Celestin-Westreich, S., Baarda, B., & Ponjaert-Kristoffersen, I. (1999). Familie Relatie Test. Handleiding. Amsterdam: Pearson Assessment and Information.

Celestin-Westreich, S., Baarda, B., & Ponjaert-Kristoffersen, I. (2000). Familie Relatie Test. Boekdeel Normprofielen. Amsterdam: Pearson Assessment and Information.

Zone de Texte: More - Suite

Celestin-Westreich S, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. Towards integration of a multidimensional theoretical and methodological framework in child psychodiagnosis: current findings and future directions. In Cleeremans A, Kolinsky R, Mousty P, Eds. Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society BPS. Belgian Psychological Society: Brussels, 1997.p.34.

Celestin-Westreich S. Persoons- en gezinsdiagnostiek bij het kind: determinanten en implicaties van een multimethod benadering. Abstracts Eerste Vlaams Congres Kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie en -psychotherapie, 1997. p.5. [Child personality and family assessment : determinants and implications of a multi-method approach]

Celestin-Westreich S. The child as an active informant in family and personality assessment: external evaluation versus self-expression in child psychodiagnosis. Doctoral Dissertation. Brussels: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1996.

Celestin-Westreich S, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. Children as active participants in family and personality assessment: external evaluation versus self-expression in child psychodiagnosis. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society BPS. Liège: Belgium, 1994. p.12.

Celestin-Westreich S, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. The child as a key informant in family and personality assessment: external evaluation versus self-expression in child psychodiagnosis. 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology. Abstracts. Madrid: Spain, 1994. p.101.

Celestin-Westreich S, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. The child as an active participant in family and personality assessment: external evaluation versus self-expression in child psychodiagnosis. 13th International Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions. Theme: Violence and the Vulnerable Child. Abstracts. San Fransisco: USA, 1994. p.277.

Celestin-Westreich S, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. Addressing the child's perspective in family assessment. 5th Symposium of the Research Committee on Empirical Family Research. Advances in family research. Amsterdam: The Netherlands, 1994.

Celestin-Westreich S, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. Hoe kinderen hun gezin beleven. 10e Symposium Gezinsonderzoek. Gezin: onderzoek en diagnostiek. Nijmegen: Nederland, 1994.

Celestin-Westreich S, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. De DSM ontgroeid? Een doorlichting van de kinderpsychodiagnostiek. In Portael V, Andries C, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I, Red. De kinderschoenen ontgroeid? Hedendaagse ontwikkelingen in de zorg voor probleemkinderen. Leuven: Garant, 2001. p.12-26. [Looking beyond the DSM: An assessment of child assessment]

Celestin-Westreich S. De DSM-IV ontgroeid? Een doorlichting van de kinderpsychodiagnostiek. De kinderschoenen ontgroeid? Tweede Vlaams Congres Kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie en -psychotherapie. Samenvattingen. Leuven: Garant, 1999. p.9.

Van Grimbergen I, Celestin-Westreich S, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. Validering van het ADIKA-IV (deel externaliseringsgedrag) bij een klinische populatie kinderen tussen 6 en 18 jaar. De kinderschoenen ontgroeid? Tweede Vlaams Congres Kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie en -psychotherapie. Samenvattingen. Leuven: Garant, 1999. p.76. [Validation of the Dutch-language DICA-IV - externalising behaviour]

Celestin-Westreich S, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. Symposium. Disorders in children: thinking beyond DSM-IV at the dawn of the 21st century. In Peeters G, Vanden Bavière B, Eds. Joint meeting - Symposium of the International Francqui chair and Annual Meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society BPS. KULeuven: Belgium, 1998. p.11.

Celestin-Westreich S. Methodological fundaments of a multimodal approach to child disorders. In: G. Peeters & B. Vanden Bavière (Eds.), Joint meeting - Symposium of the International Francqui chair and Annual Meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society. KULeuven: Belgium, 1998. p.12

Celestin-Westreich S. The child as an active informant in family and personality assessment: external evaluation versus self-expression in child psychodiagnosis. Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie 1997, 27 [1]: 63-65. 

Celestin-Westreich S., Celestin LP. & Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. 'Famile-In-Dieren' (FID) test. Video presentatie. Available from the first author, Dept. Developmental & Life Span Psychology: Vrije Universiteit Brussels, 1997. [Animal-Family-Drawing (AFD) test. Video presentation]

Celestin-Westreich S., Celestin LP. & Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. 'Famile-In-Dieren' (FID) test. Developmental & Life Span Psychology: Vrije Universiteit Brussels, 1997. [Animal-Family-Drawing (AFD) test. Manual Dutch Version]

Celestin-Westreich, S., & Celestin, L.P. (2010). Familie-In-Dieren Test - Revised (FID-R). Synopsis voor Opleiding en Onderzoek. Uittreksel uit ‘Familie-In-Dieren test – Revised (FID-R). Handleiding praktijk en onderzoek’ (in druk), Parijs / Brussel: FACE©-program.


Épreuve de la Famille-En-Animaux – Révisé’ (FEA-R): Synopsis pour la recherche et la formation. Extrait de : ‘Épreuve de la Famille-En-Animaux – Révisé (FEA-R). Manuel pour la clinique et la recherche (sous presse). Paris / Bruxelles: FACE© programme.


Available from the first author, including different language versions (NL - FR - EN).

Zone de Texte: Contact

Celestin-Westreich S, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. Addressing the child's perspective in family assessment. In Hox JJ, Van der Meulen BF, Janssens JMAM, Ter Laak JF, Tavecchio LWC, Eds. Advances in Family Research. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 1995, p.209-216.

Celestin-Westreich S. & Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. Gezinspsychodiagnostiek vanuit het kind: differentiaaldiagnostische aanknopingspunten op de Familie-In-Dieren test. In J. R. M. Gerris (Ed.). Gezin: onderzoek en diagnostiek. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1995, p.125-138. [Family assessment from the child's perspective: differential diagnostic leads on the Animal-Family-Drawing test]

Celestin-Westreich S. & Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. De kindertekening als psychodiagnostisch instrument: Stabiliteit van teken- en antwoordkenmerken op de Familie-In-Dieren test - Een beschrijvende analyse. Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, Kinderpsychiatrie en klinische Kinderpsychologie (TOKK), 1995, 20 (2), 71-83. [Children's drawings as an assessment tool: stability of drawing and response patterns on the Animal-Family-Drawing test]

Celestin-Westreich S, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. Self-expressive measures as psychodiagnostic aids in the assessment of child abuse and neglect. In Dardenne B, Schelstraete MA, Eds. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society BPS. Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium: Faculty of Psychology UCL, 1995. p.2.

Westreich S., Pannier L. & Ponjaert I. (1993). The use of children's drawings in personality assessment. In G. Rudinger, C. Rietz, U. Kleinemas, & T. Meiser (Eds.). VIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology. Book of abstracts (p.44). Bonn: Pace.

Westreich S., Pannier L. & Ponjaert I. (1992). De kindertekening als psychodiagnostisch instrument : een onderzoek naar de Familie-In-Dieren test. Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, Kinderpsychiatrie en klinische Kinderpsychologie (TOKK), 17 (3), 128-144. [Children's drawings as an assessment tool: an investigation into the Animal-Family-Drawing test]

Westreich S. (1991). [The 'Animal-Family-Drawing' (AFD) test as a psychodiagnostic instrument: a developmental and differential analysis of 5 to 9-year old children's drawings, in Dutch] Masters Thesis. Brussels: Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Andries C, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I, Celestin-Westreich S, Samaey C. Onderzoek naar het leerlingvolgsysteem voor jonge kinderen in Vlaanderen. Eindrapport (77p.) & Bijlagen (200p.). Brussel: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2000.

Andries C, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I, Celestin-Westreich S, Samaey C. Onderzoek naar het leerlingvolgsysteem voor jonge kinderen in Vlaanderen. Tussentijds rapport (60p.) & Bijlagen (200p.). Brussel: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1998.

Celestin-Westreich S, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. The use of self-expression tests in child psychodiagnostic assessment of Pervasive Developmental Disorders. 13th International Conference on Developmental Disabilities. Program & Abstracts. Beit Issie Shapiro 13. Herzlyia: Israel, 1994. p.19.

Celestin-Westreich S, De Belder E, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I. High Ability: a multimethod approach for personality and family assessment of gifted children. Fourth Conference of the European Council for High Ability. Nijmegen: The Netherlands, 1994.

Celestin-Westreich, S. & Celestin, L.P. (2012, in druk). Observeren en rapporteren. 2e editie (incl. EXTRA). Amsterdam: Pearson Education, 256p.

Celestin-Westreich S. (2004). Gedrags- en persoonlijkheidsdiagnostiek bij kinderen. Werkboek Kind– en Gezinsdiagnostiek. Leuven: Acco.[Behavioural and Personality Assessment of Children]

Celestin-Westreich S, (red). Basisvaardigheden Interview en Observatie. Harlow: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2004. [Basic Skills in Interviewing and Observation]

Celestin-Westreich, S. (2011). Werkboek Kind- en Gezinsdiagnostiek. 2de Herziene Uitgave. Leuven: Acco. [Workbook Child and Family Assessment]

Celestin-Westreich, S. & Celestin, L.P. (2010). Kind-, Opvoedings-, en Gezindiagnostiek in FACE-perspectief. Leuven / Den Haag: ACCO, 480p. [L’évaluation de l’enfant, de la parentalité et de la famille en perspective FACE]

Celestin, L.P., Westreich, S., LeGoff, J.F., & Ponjaert, I. L'enquête Delphi: oracle ou leurre? Une évaluation critique. Annales de Psychiatrie 2001, 16 [4]: 246-56. [The Delphi technique: oracle or lure? A critical evaluation]

Zone de Texte: Read
Zone de Texte: Children’s Drawings - Dessins d’Enfants

Baert, S., Celestin-Westreich, S., & Celestin, L.P.  (under review). Screening for Children’s Emotional Problems through Human Figure Drawings (HFDs): Conceptual Foundations and Empirical Evidence.


Baert, S., Celestin-Westreich, S., & Celestin, L.P.  (under review). Identifying Variables that Improve the Reliability of Children’s Human Figure Drawings (HFDs).


Baert, S., Celestin-Westreich, S., & Celestin, L.P. (2011). Sensitivity and specificity of the Human Figure Drawing to screen for children's emotional and/or behavioural problems in FACE-perspective. Poster for the Annual meeting Belgian Association for Psychological Science, Ghent.


Baert, S., Celestin-Westreich, S., & Celestin, L.P. (2011). Het verbeteren van de validiteit van de Menstekening. Poster voor het Achtste Vlaams Congres Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie en –Psychotherapie, Leuven.


Baert, S., Celestin-Westreich, S., & Celestin, L.P. (2010). Children's expression and recognition skills in their Human Figure Drawings: a pilot study. Poster for the Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychology.


Child, Parenting & Family Assessment - Evaluation de l’enfant, parentale et familiale

publications          workshops

Celestin-Westreich, S. & Celestin, L.P. (2008). Observeren en rapporteren. Amsterdam: Pearson Education, 216p. [Observation and reporting]

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Zone de Texte: More - Suite

Baert, S., Celestin-Westreich, S., Celestin, L.P. (2009). Children’s socioemotional functioning as expressed on the Human Figure Drawing: cognitive and emotional components. Belgian Association for Psychological Science 2009 Meeting.


Baert, S., Celestin-Westreich, S., Celestin, L.P. (2009). Reliability of emotional signals in children’s Human Figure Drawing (HFD). Research findings and further challenges. 10th European Conference on Psychological Assessment .


Baert, S., Celestin-Westreich, S., Celestin, L.P. (2009). Validity of children’s Human Figure Drawings (HFD) for socio-emotional functioning: research findings and further challenges. 10th European Conference on Psychological Assessment .

Baert, S., Celestin-Westreich, S., Celestin, L.P. (2009). Does children’s sociocognitive and emotional functioning relate to their Human Figure Drawing’s (HFD)? International Society for Research on Emotions 2009.